Submission Guidelines
Social Alternatives accepts refereed academic papers, commentaries, book reviews and essays, short stories and poetry related to the aims of the journal. The journal also accepts proposals for themed issues from guest editors. Proposals may emerge from workshops, networks and conferences.
The submissions of articles, commentaries, reviews and fictional works are subject to double blind peer review and should be emailed to a Non-Themed Article Editor. Authors are encouraged to consider papers previously published in Social Alternatives, and where appropriate, reference them in order to promote ongoing and fluid discussion.
Submissions should be double spaced with page numbers on the bottom right.
Academic articles should be 3000-5000 words in length. Academic articles will be sent for double-blind peer review. We also publish commentaries and review commentaries and review essays should be between 800 to 2000 words and book reviews generally 800 words and should refer to the book review guide. Short stories can be up to 1000 words and should refer to the Short Story Guide.
Ensure Copyright belongs to the contributing author[s], that the manuscript appears no-where else, that it is not under consideration elsewhere or ‘in-press’ and that the manuscript can be transferred to the journal for Copyright Release (accepted authors are required to sign a form to that effect); The journal holds copyright for up to 2 years but will give permission for republishing if it is acknowledged that the work was published in Social Alternatives first.
Preparation for submitting a manuscript for peer review should ensure that both formatting and referencing requirements are followed. Note authors will be asked to fix such errors in submission at short notice so it is best to ensure issues are addressed in first submission.
Publication ethics and publication malpractice
Social Alternatives upholds the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against any publication malpractice.
Authors must submit original work. Contributions must not be copied or plagiarised in whole or in part from elsewhere.Authors must disclose conflicts of interest and partial benefits associated with their work.
Social Alternatives is committed to objective and fair double-blind peer-review of academic articles, and to addressing conflict of interests between editors and reviewers. Problems are addressed by the Editorial Collective who are committed to providing swift resolutions to disputes.