• Publication date: 01/2020
  • Volume: 39
  • Issue: 1

Welfare conditionality – the tying of eligibility for income support payments to particular forms of behavioural change – has intensified in recent decades (Carney 2015; Taylor et al. 2016). Prominent Australian manifestations have included the Work for the Dole program and the recent proposal for drug testing of new applicants for unemployment payments, but arguably the most extreme form of conditionality is compulsory income management (CIM). CIM involves the control or quarantining of half or more of a person’s payment by the Commonwealth Government Department of Social Services. It was originally introduced in 2007 as part of the Northern Territory Emergency Scheme targeting remote Indigenous communities, but has since been expanded to a wider range of groups and locations.

  Title Author(s)
Sarah Temporal, Katie Assarian, Derek Wright, Penelope Greentree, Jane Simpson, Debra Livingston, Graham Maddox, Eva Maria Cox, Michelle Peterie, Greg Marston, Susan Tilley, Janet Hunt, Gerard Brody, David Tennant, Kristen Stevens, Philip Mendes
5 Subversive Control Via Punitive Means? The role of stigma and profit in Australia’s cashless debit card policy Kristen Stevens
14 The Fraught Relationship Between the Cashless Debit Card and Basic Transaction Accounts David Tennant and Gerard Brody
20 The Uses and Abuses of Evaluation: The cashless debit card story Janet Hunt
28 In the Name of ‘Digital Inclusion’: The true cost of the automation and privatisation of Australia’s social security system Susan Tilley
39 Is Universal Basic Income a Desirable Alternative to Conditional Welfare? Greg Marston and Michelle Peterie
47 The Australian Labor Party and Compulsory Income Management: How and why did they reverse their position? Philip Mendes
Book Reviews
60 Social Defence Graham Maddox
4 Looking for water Jane Simpson
13 Hope Penelope Greentree
19 Porter Derek Wright
27 Solstice Derek Wright
27 Retreat Jane Simpson
38 Youth of Childhood Summers Katie Assarian
46 High-rise Katie Assarian
53 Gyne-speak after Christmas Jane Simpson
59 how to move into a caravan, age 29 Sarah Temporal
3 Compulsory Income Management Philip Mendes
54 Conditionality and Control: Its implications for groups on welfare and some particular issues for Indigenous people and women Eva Maria Cox
61 Isolation Debra Livingston