• Publication date: 01/2021
  • Volume: 40
  • Issue: 1

Republic of China and the United States of America. Representation through iconic maps
was considered and rejected as they are used often to symbolise international interactions
and they didn’t have the ability to portray subtlety the articles’ interactions for the cover
design. In the introduction there is reference to ‘panda huggers’ and this brought to mind a
cover concept in which national animals were used to represent the countries. The eagle for
the USA as the world’s biggest military and economic power, hovers over a panda only
slightly smaller reflecting China’s economic and military growth. Both loom large compared to
the kangaroo symbolic of Australia, a middle power that has ‘outsourced’ its foreign and
defence policy to the USA and allowed its exports to become hostage to the sensitivities of
the People’s Republic at the same time as becoming a leading critic of its policy. Further
inspiration was provided by several political cartoons that utilise animal symbols. Further
representation of a nations symbols is provided by the use of merging the national flags in the
background. The colour red features strongly as the colour symbolic of China, but also
featuring on the flags of all three countries. Albeit, many world flags use the colour red to
depict courage, revolution, hardiness and valour with the antonym being historical or current
hardships faced by a country.

  Title Author(s)
3 Introduction to Australia, China, USA Bronwyn Stevens
10 The Long Road Down: How the Party of Lincoln became the Party of Trump John Kane
21 Governing China: Some realities Xu Yi-chong and Patrick Weller
31 Historic Dimensions to the Senkaku Diaoyu Islands Territorial Dispute Brett Huyton
37 Australia–China Relations in Decline: An alternative viewpoint Colin Mackerras
Short Stories
57 Shapeshifter Bethany Cody
59 Petroleum Travis Lucas
Book Reviews
61 The Music Advantage Ms Jennifer Trijo
61 Peace in the Age of Chaos: The Best Solution for a Sustainable Future Ms Jennifer Trijo
9 Aubergine Jules Leigh Koch
9 Coastal Laurie Duggan
20 Kinder Gardens Alvin Pang
20 Almond Jules Leigh Koch
30 Not ready Alvin Pang
30 Here it’s our workmen Alvin Pang
36 you take it Harry Laing
44 you take it Tracy Ryan
47 The Claimant Petra White
50 titular Em König
50 Abandon Christine V. Lao
50 officer officer Em König
54 headlong (with Icarus) Harry Laing
54 Weather report Christine V. Lao
54 The Month of ApriL Petra White
65 Sundori Amelia Walker
66 Some Notes Towards the Execution of a Suite of Poems Concerning Insects Jennifer Compton
45 China Threat: A Cluster of Confusions and Contradictions Michael McKinley
48 Hobart City Elections, 2018: Intimations of the coming cold war Henry Reynolds
51 Forty Years of Australian Studies in China Li Jianjun
55 Australia's Foreign Policy Void Alison Broinowski