• Publication date: 05/2019
  • Volume: 38
  • Issue: 2

The global dominance of austerity measures and neoliberal policies in Western developed countries has given rise to a free-market society that is antithetical to the welfare state and democratic ideas concerning egalitarian forms of distribution. Widening poverty gaps and unprecedented levels of income and wealth inequality (Piketty 2014), together with disruptive structural changes (automation in the gig economy and structural adjustment of labour markets resulting in greater casualisation of work) have produced greater levels of economic, social and political insecurity (Bruun and Duka 2018; Standing 2014). In response to these pressing challenges, there has been an increase in political debate on the potential for universal Basic Income (BI) to redress poverty, structural inequality and inequity in distribution. The current climate represents a pivotal point in time for progressing the design and implementation of a universal alternative to neoliberalism in the form of a BI and contributing to a new universalism for the social (welfare) state and broader society. This special issue responds to these timely debates on the potential for BI to present a new universalism. This article provides an initial scoping of BI as a backdrop to the articles that follow.

  Title Author(s)
3 Basic Income and a New Universalism Jenni Mays and John Tomlinson
11 A Universal Basic Income: What difference might it make?. Christine Morley, Phillip Ablett and Jenni Mays
19 Basic Income Plus: Is UBI consistent with the goals of the Independent Living Movement? Simon Duffy and Jim Elder-Woodward
28 Public Equity, Basic Income and Democracy: A case of political arithmetic Keith Rankin
39 Social-Ecological Transformation and the Necessity of Universal Basic Income James P. Mulvale
47 Testing Different Routes to a Basic Income Scheme Malcolm Torry
64 Norm-based Strategies for Political and Social Change: An analysis of migrant justice advocacy Melissa Schnyder
Book Reviews
71 Animal Fables After Darwin: Literature, Speciesism, and Metaphor Jennifer McDonell
10 There, at the Last David Adès
10 Trench Digging Alice White
27 A few wise men Sanam Sharma
27 story Rory Harris
38 to our father Ugo Rotellini
57 Chaos Sanam Sharma
63 noisy green fruit Jenny Blackford
73 The Ukrainian and the Bad Bad Russians Lesley Synge
74 Between Here and There David Adès
54 How Labor Lost the Unlosable Election Bronwyn Stevens
58 We Need to Talk: Lessons from 18 May 2019 Richard Hil
61 Politics as Cruelty: Asylum seekers, Australian Government Policy and the 2019 federal election Graham Maddox